Agency, Partnership, and the LLC: The Law of Unincorporated Business Enterprises, Abridged 9th Edition

Cases, Materials, Problems

J. Dennis Hynes and Mark J. Loewenstein
eISBN-13: 9781632847959

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Additional Book Details

This book is the abridged 9th edition version of the same title. This abridged version provides cases and materials on agency law and on unincorporated business entities: general partnerships, limited partnerships, and limited liability companies. This edition is particularly designed for one or two credit hour courses that are limited to these topics. It first develops the principles of agency law and then draws on those foundational principles in exploring partnerships and limited liability companies. Problems are provided after key sections to enhance discussion and review of various key concepts.

Sold By Carolina Academic Press
ISBNs 1632847957, 9781632847959, 1632847949, 9781632847942
Language English