Crowley's An Introduction to Human Disease: Pathology and Pathophysiology Correlations

10th Edition

Pathology and Pathophysiology Correlations

Emily Reisner; Howard Reisner
eISBN-13: 9781284116151

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Additional Book Details

Updated and reorganized to provide a more accessible, student-friendly experience, Crowley's An Introduction to Human Disease, Tenth Edition provides readers with a clear, well-illustrated explanation of the structural and functional changes associated with disease, the clinical manifestations of disease, and how to determine treatment. The first chapters of the text discusses general concepts and diseases affecting the body as a whole. Later chapters considers the various organ systems and their diseases. The Tenth Edition boasts a wealth of new disease photos, new and expanded case studies, and a robust student and instructor ancillary package.

Sold By Jones & Bartlett Learning
ISBNs 1284116158, 9781284116151, 9781284050233, 9781284116168
Language English
Number of Pages 849
Edition 10th