Bankruptcy Law

4th Edition

Principles, Policies, and Practice

Charles Tabb, Ralph Brubaker
eISBN-13: 9781630430825

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Additional Book Details

Bankruptcy Law: Principles, Policies, and Practice puts bankruptcy law in context, illuminating the evolution of the Bankruptcy Code with an exploration of current and historical non-bankruptcy remedies. The book continually approaches each topic through the goals of creditors and debtors, exploring how each is served in various parts of the Code. Extensive questions and numerous problems focus student attention on the mechanics of the bankruptcy process. But they do so through the lens of history and policy, and they explain why the law is the way it is.

The authors' aim in designing the casebook was to provide a very accessible medium for introducing students to bankruptcy law in a sophisticated manner. As the title indicates, the emphasis is on the relationship between the core principles essential to an understanding of the law, the policies animating those principles, and the challenges presented by the effectuation of those principles and policies in bankruptcy practice.

In its methodology, Bankruptcy Law: Principles, Policies, and Practice relies on a variety of expository toolstextual discussion, comprehension questions, problems, cases and thought / discussion questionsall with a careful eye toward building upon previous materials and concepts.

Economy of presentation is the hallmark of the casebook, but the Teacher's Manual picks up where the casebook leaves off. The Teacher's Manual is consciously drafted (in both organization and voice) as a set of detailed teaching notes.

This book also is available in a three-hole punched, alternative loose-leaf version printed on 8.5 x 11 inch paper with wider margins and with the same pagination as the hardbound book

Sold By Carolina Academic Press
ISBNs 163043082X, 1630430811, 9781630430818, 9781630430825
Publish Year 2015
Language English
Number of Pages 1004
Edition 4th