Applying Quality Management in Healthcare

4th Edition

Patrice L. Spath; Dian L. Kelly
eISBN-13: 9781567938821

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"Stakeholders at all levels of a healthcare system have a vested interest in improving quality and safety. Managers play instrumental roles in creating and delivering high-quality services but many frontline clinical and administrative staff members are also involved, directly or indirectly, in shaping patient care systems and designing safer, more efficient processes.

Applying Quality Management in Healthcare explores the principles of quality management and provides a variety of practical tools for real-world improvement and problem solving. Unlike many healthcare quality management guides, this book focuses on the systems that form the foundation of a high-quality health services organization. Readers learn which management practices are essential to advancing performance goals, making long-lasting process improvements, and providing the operational systems and tools needed for success."

Sold By Health Admin Press
ISBNs 9781567938821, 1567938825, 1567938817, 9781567938814
Publish Year 2017
Language English
Number of Pages 378
Edition 4th